ABATE of Virginia believes that measures such as rider education and driver awareness programs will reduce the incidence of crashes involving motorcyclists and have far greater potential for reducing injuries and deaths than laws mandating the use of particular safety equipment. Join for the preservation of your freedom to ride a motorcycle, on and off road, today and into the future. Meet other motorcycle enthusiasts in your community and gain personal satisfaction by joining them to promote motorcycling through participation at State and Chapter meetings, meeting with Virginia legislators and local officials, chapter rides, rallies, benefit rides, bike shows, etc. Learn how to affect the laws and potential laws that govern us.
What does ABATE of Virginia do for its members and what can we do for you?
- Provides a unifying voice for Virginia’s motorcyclists.
- Is an SMRO (state motorcyclists rights organization), not a club; membership in ABATE of Virginia does not conflict with any other membership.
- Promotes motorcycling as a legitimate form of transportation.
- Seeks to prevent anti-motorcycle legislation that would further restrict your right to ride.
- Works to promote a better public image of motorcyclists by showing generosity and concern through sponsored events for charitable organizations.
- Promotes motorcycle awareness, training and education.
- Encourages members to vote and become involved in our political process.
- Watches for and informs members (via chapter meetings, officers, etc.) of adverse and favorable motorcycle legislation at State and Federal levels.
Our Accomplishments
- Designating all money from the motorcycle endorsements on drivers’ licenses to be applied directly to the Virginia Rider Training Program.
- Prohibiting state, county, and city governments from banning motorcyclists from roads that use any public funds.
- Permitting the use of headphones in helmets as part of a communication device.
- Permanently allowing motorcycles on High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes by statute.
- Requiring VDOT to consider motorcycles in all roadway maintenance and planning of future roadway projects.
- Defining legal helmet standards by statute and repealing the criminal penalty of wearing a non-approved helmet.
- Allowing motorcyclists to ride in a police escorted parade without a helmet.
- Requiring all driver education programs to include motorcycle awareness training.
- Allowing use of additional brake lights approved by the Superintendent of the State Police.
- Adoption of a special license plate that incorporates a safe motorcycling message.
- Establishment of a motorcyclist’s learner’s permit.
Still have questions about joining?
Then contact your local chapter. Click here to find your nearest group or email: Mary Ann Sowle