APRIL 7, 2019

The meeting was called to order by Executive Director Stan Bryant with the following chapters represented: Catawba Valley: Dina Matz and Mike Smith;
Chapter 99: Pete Bulgart and Don “Thumper” Bogan; Flatlander: John Bilotta and Lisa Bilotta; Iron Horse Cavalry: Stan Bryant and Bob DeNova; Mason Dixon: Joe Wagner (Fin. Dir.), Maryann Sowle and GW Peterson; Mountain Thunder: Eddie Ober, David Lester, Julie Swartz, Melissa Posey, Bobby Posey, Steve Moody, Leon Perdue, Tarie Metz, Rudy Dowdy, Georgeanne Anderson, Neil Hardesty, Tammy Ebe, Travis Moorman, Constance Stone, Glenn Smith, Kirby, Jimmy Bailey, Pam Markham and Jamie Moorman; Nelson County: Buddy Altizer and Lee Bitzer; Tazewell County: Sam Jackson and Freddie E. Gillespie Jr.; At Large: Tom McGrath

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a quorum was established.
Stan recommended that we skip the reading of the previous meeting minutes. A motion was made to dispense with reading of minutes, motion was seconded and approved.
Stan said he brought more “Look for Motorcycles” signs, specifically wanted to get some to Culpeper Chapter. Maryann Said she could help with that.
Stan said the Tazewell County Chapter has split. The new chapter is to be the Tazewell County Nomads and a Chapter Director and Treasurer are already in place. Joe made a motion for a vote to commission the new chapter; motion was seconded with a unanimous vote of approval.
Stan said we need to spur membership and asked for suggestions. Eddie said they go out, wear their vests, have a good time and others want to join in. He also said they try to support other organizations’ events.
A suggestion was made to try billboard advertising, but there may be a 30 to 90 day rental involved. Suggestions were made for city signs and Back of the Dragon area. Eddie noted that social media (facebook) helps.
GW said that local parties helped in the past.

Stan said we needed to discuss details about the State Rally; Eddie said he thought each chapter should help pitch in, also knows someone who may be able to cater. A suggestion was made about Kanawha Valley Arena. Estimated costs/fees for the weekend, available dates, camping and hotel information was to be obtained so a decision could be made.

Stan noted that Dave was working on the newsletter.
Joe reported on last six months of expenditures. He noted that $5,000 was paid to Bailey for lobbying services.
GW said one person from a donor organization showed up to speak against the helmet bill in the committee hearing, even though GW said there are over 200,000 riders with “M” endorsements who aren’t organ donors.
GW thought some members of the committee were in favor and he also noted that the bill was determined to be constitutional despite earlier misconception.
John said that the government won their second trial at the end of 2018, allowing them to seize the Mongols’ trademarked patch. But early this year a judge ruled that the government could not seize the patch since it would violate the club members’ First Amendment rights.
He said that after the last election in November, the new District Attorney has dropped all remaining charges against bikers involved in the “Waco Tragedy”.
John invited everyone to the 34th Annual NCOM Convention to be held in Orlando, FL from May 10th-12th.
He also noted that the 11th Annual MRF “Bikers Inside the Beltway” will be held in Washington D.C. on May 20th and 21st and encouraged everyone to participate.
Tarie has contacted potential advertisers and has sent out a report of those from which she received responses. She also said she has two new confirmed paying advertisers.
Stan said that Lisa has products on hand.

MaryAnn distributed the annual membership pins to the Chapter Directors. A question was raised about some members not receiving renewal cards and Maryann explained that there is a time lapse between mailings.

Eddie had a question about safety classes and discrepancies in fees, saying one chapter member was charged over $400. Maryann explained a little about the classes, the community colleges that offer them and the fees they charge.
Stan said the chapter in Roanoke would like to host the next BOD meeting and asked for approval. A motion was made, seconded and approved to hold next meeting in July in Roanoke.

Stan adjourned the meeting.