Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

For those of you who do not know me yet, my name is Dave Sutton, aka “The Professor.” At the September Board of Director’s meeting, I was elected as State Operations Director. My term officially began on October 1 of this year. You will get to learn more about me in the new “Know Your ABATE” feature elsewhere in this newsletter.

I would like to start by thanking John Bilotta for the years he served in this position. It is hard enough to wear one hat in the Motorcyclists’ Rights movement. He has been wearing several. He is also graciously helping me get this first newsletter out, while we work out the logistics of getting me the publisher software I will need, lining up a printer, getting contact information for advertisers, etc.

Two of my primary responsibilities are this newsletter and the state website. I am happy to report that state treasurer Joe Wagner has been working with a professional website service to build a website that will be updated easily and maintained professionally. This will make it easier to get up-to-date information out to you, make it easier to pay memberships, and, hopefully, order state products.

This is where you come into play. Please send me updated contact information for your Chapter Directors and PR person.

These are YOUR publications, so please send me informationed pictures to reflect your hard work and good times, along with upcoming events in your area. My ABATE dedicated e-mail address is

Please remember, Freewheeling and our website are often the first impression people get of ABATE, so keep articles and editorials professional, free from profanity, bashing individuals or other organizations, or drifting into non-motorcycling related issues.

Thank you for your efforts on behalf of motorcyclists’ rights and your confidence in me.

Ride Free,

Dave “Prof” Sutton

State Operations Director