Summer 2021 – Six feet, Two Wheels, NO PROBLEM

I hope everyone is safe and healthy and getting out in the wind.  Thanks to all who braved to COVID to make it to the June BOD Meeting to wrap up plans for the State Party and discus plans for next year’s Legislative Session.

Event updates include:

MRF 36th Annual Meeting of the Minds,  September 23-26,  at the Marriot Atlanta in Buckhead, GA

The “BIG” Event is our own Annual ABATE of VA State Party on Sept 10th-12th in Tazewell, – Tickets available at the gate or by pre-sale.  Click on image below for full size flyer.

Log on PayPal and make payment to put you name and phone number in the text block when you make your payment.


I’m forwarding the most recent edition of the NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES from Bill Bish and would also like to note some upcoming events in the Tidewater area:


March 13

Bayside H.O.G. St. Patty’s Day Poker Run

Registration at Bayside HD (2211 Frederick Ave. in Portsmouth) begins at 8:30, first bike out at 9:00, last bike out at 10:30

Returns to Bayside for their Shamrock & Roll Event (wear your green for 1 free extra card draw).

Rider $15, passenger $5


April 17

Ride to help restore the Flame of Hope at Naval Station Oceana, sponsored by Brothers In Arms MC, Military Veterans MC and in conjunction with 7 Cities Biker Events. All vehicles welcomed.

Registration at Bayside HD from 8:00 to 9:30, last bike out at 9:45 for a ride from Bayside through Newport News, Carrollton, Suffolk and back to Bayside.

Rider $10, passenger $5


April 24

1st Annual Amanda Runyon Blood Drive, hosted by Remnant Sons MC and the American Red Cross

Calvary Baptist Church, 4832 Haygood Rd in Virginia Beach from noon until 5:00


A personal note here from one who has spent quite a bit of time donating blood and platelets, I would like to remind everyone just how much blood and its components are required.  In this day and age with astounding medical advances, sometimes there are just no alternatives to whole blood, platelets and plasma.  Even if you have recently recovered from the coronavirus, there is a need for blood products from you and other survivors.

While the standard requirements for whole blood donations are somewhat restrictive, the requirements for platelet donations are even more restrictive and many potential candidates are screened out and are unable to help those who need the help.

This blood drive is for whole blood only, but if you are interested in other forms of donations, please contact your nearest Red Cross donation center or plasma donation center and someone there will be able to provide additional information.

Thank you,




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From: <>
Date: Fri, Feb 19, 2021 at 3:24 PM
To: <>

THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. If you’ve been involved in any kind of accident, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit



Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish,

National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)



More than three years after President Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Paris climate agreement, we’re back in.  On Biden’s first day in office on January 20th, one of his first priorities was to sign an executive order to re-enter the global pact to slow climate change.  Rejoining the accord was simple; the next step gets harder: How can the world’s second-largest polluter shrink emissions 45-50% by the end of this decade to comply with the deal?


One of Joe Biden’s campaign promises was to “Transition away from oil” and create a “carbon pollution-free power sector” by 2035, as part of a $2 trillion investment to build back the economy by investing in green infrastructure.


The Paris Agreement does not prescribe exact methods for eliminating emissions behind global warming, but establishes binding targets for avoiding worrisome temperature thresholds.  Research conducted by the German Aerospace Centre, says that passenger car engines as we know it need to be completely phased out from new sales before the end of the next decade in order for Europe to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, the most ambitious part of the Paris pact’s “well below 2 degrees Celsius” overall aim.


More than 14 countries and over 20 cities around the world have proposed banning the sale of fossil fuel vehicles at some time in the near future.



General Motors has set a 2035 target date for phasing out gasoline and diesel powered vehicles from its showrooms globally, among the first major auto makers to put a timeline on transitioning to a fully electric lineup.


One of the world’s largest automakers, GM wants to end sales of combustion engine vehicles by 2035 as part of a broader pledge to become carbon neutral by 2040.  Other car companies committed to the climate pledge include BMW, Ford, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen and Volvo.



In spite of the economic and health uncertainty posed by the Coronavirus pandemic for the bulk of 2020, the powersports sector experienced an 18.4% increase in sales for the year.


The double-digit growth was owed largely to a big bump in off-highway bikes and ATVs, which jumped 46.5% & 33.8% respectively, but new-model motorcycle and scooter sales were also up 11.4% over 2019, according to the Motorcycle Industry Council Retail Sales Report.


“Overall, the industry had a good year under difficult circumstances,” noted Erik Pritchard, president and CEO of the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC), stating; “The COVID-19 pandemic forced all of us to be nimble and to make the changes we needed to survive.  In the end, many in the industry saw strong growth, and now our opportunity is to keep all of these new riders riding and to inspire even more people to join us on two, three, and four wheels.”


This positive turn after years of dwindling sales figures, with the industry as a whole reaching in every possible direction to inspire a new generation of dedicated riders, is quite encouraging, and hopefully the trend will continue into the future.



If you’re thinking about buying a new electric motorcycle this year, and you live in the USA, here’s some good news: the federal tax credit that went into effect for new electric bike models at the end of 2019 has been extended until January 1, 2022.


Any electric motorcycle that can go at least 45 mph is eligible for a 10% tax credit, up to $2,500.


Electric motorcycle owners new and old should also know that, at the same time that electric motorcycle credit got extended, the 30% EV charger installation credit was re-upped by the federal government as well.  For 2021, you’re eligible for a credit up to $1,000 for home installations and up to $30,000 for business installations on new EV chargers.


“The electric motorcycle industry is rapidly responding to our country’s need for affordable and environmentally responsible transportation,” said Zero Motorcycles’ CEO Sam Paschel, adding that “These tax credits represent an investment in a cleaner energy future, and also effectively create jobs in the ever-growing electric vehicle industry.”


Details are still being hammered out, but other concurrent federal government plans include additional federal tax incentives to get everyday people to switch from gas to EV, though it’s unknown at this time how those will specifically affect the electric motorcycle industry.



It seems virtually unreal, but Virtual Reality is starting to fulfill futuristic promises, and it’s even forged a place in the real-world development of motorcycles.  VR has long straddled the line between sci-fi and sci-fact, with crazy promises made in movies from ‘Tron’ to ‘The Matrix’, but the tech is coming of age and moving from the living room to Yamaha’s boardroom.


Far from VR computer gaming, Yamaha VR opens new doors to improve product development, and possibly expanding consumer marketing.


Masayuki Miki, a member of the joint research team in the Fundamental Technology Research Division at Yamaha’s Technical R&D Centre, explained to Cycle World, “Yamaha has been using riding simulators built around actual motorcycles for some time.”


“Since VR allows us to ‘ride’ a wide range of products on all kinds of road environments we’ve created, our simulators and VR equipment play an important role in our research into rider–machine dynamics.  It also goes toward achieving our Jin-Ki Kanno development ideal [which is about bikes providing fulfillment as well as transport].”


Miki went on to explain that VR means a far bigger group of people (perhaps even customers) will be able to ‘ride’ prototypes, saying: “If this project leads to a substantive solution, it’ll be possible to have riders with different techniques and perceptions participate in tests.”



A catastrophic Christmas Day fire tore through the offices of the Laconia Motorcycle Week Association, destroying decades-old memorabilia and rally archives detailing the history of the nearly 100-year-old event, often referred to as the Oldest National Motorcycle Rally with roots dating back to 1916 when a Gypsy Tour gathered for several days at Weirs Beach on the southern shores of Lake Winnipesaukee.


“It was absolutely terrible,” executive director Charlie St. Clair told Ridin’ On.  “We lost almost everything.  We lost all of our memorabilia.  Photos and archives from more than 50 years.”  All Motorcycle Week-related stuff “is pretty much all gone” including their entire inventory of just-arrived 100th anniversary T-Shirts and promotional apparel.


“It was literally a museum in itself,” said St. Clair, much of it irreplaceable, estimating the total loss will be in the “hundreds of thousands” of dollars.


In calling for help from the public, in terms of rebuilding and gathering new Laconia Motorcycle Week artifacts and collectibles, St. Clair said they would welcome donations of such items and reports a GoFundMe page was also launched by Friends of Laconia Motorcycle Week at (


Laconia Motorcycle Week will mark 98 years in 2021, and while “staging the upcoming event is not going to be easy,” the show will go on…. June 12-20, 2021.



By a 6-1 vote on January 20, the Daytona Beach city commission endorsed plans for the 80th annual bike rally, scheduled for March 5-14.  Daytona Bike Week’s organizers feared they might have to pull the plug on the 2021 rally, due to a resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic, but the event is a huge economic driver for the region, and with this year being the 80th anniversary, businesses were especially looking forward to the needed financial boost.


Masks, hand sanitizer stations, temperature checks, signs and social distancing come with the commission’s new rules, and most bars, restaurants and other businesses will be required to limit occupancy to 60%, but otherwise Daytona Bike Week is a “GO!”



This year’s Americade Motorcycle Touring Rally, typically held in June in Lake George, N.Y. each year since 1983, has been rescheduled to Sept. 21-25 due to Coronavirus concerns.


Last year’s Americade was first postponed to July before being canceled altogether because of the global pandemic.



Federal legislation was signed into law on December 23, 2020 to establish a commission to recommend ways to commemorate Route 66’s upcoming 100th anniversary. The first all-paved U.S. highway was completed in 1926 and ran from Chicago to Los Angeles.


The new 15-person commission is to include representatives from the states through which the highway ran: Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.



Roads as we know them have been around since 4,000 B.C., but though those first paved tracks may seem a million miles from the blacktop of today, it doesn’t seem like road-building has kept up with the times.


That could be about to change, reports, as a French company named Eurovia announces a new type of tech that allows a road to heat itself in winter to clear snow and ice.


The road is built around the fairly basic principle of a heat exchanger and is not dissimilar to the pipes you find in under-floor heating.  A fluid is passed through the pipes and depending on the road’s ambient temperature energy can either be taken from or sent to the road’s surface layer.


Because of the natural propensity for roads to absorb heat — being black and facing directly upwards — the system can also take in heat during the summer, store it and then release it in the winter.  This could either be to help clear obstructions like ice or snow, or the energy could be diverted into heating nearby homes or buildings.


This project has advanced beyond the drawing board, with Eurovia already building an actual working version of the new “Power Road” tech, located along a 120m stretch of road recently opened in Égletons, France.  The region has seasonal hot and cold weather, making it a perfect urban environment to try the road out… and it didn’t disappoint.  With some flurries of snow over the festive season, the automated road managed to clear snow and ice before it reached such a level that vehicles would have been inhibited.


While Eurovia clearly didn’t set out to make it easier for motorcyclists to ride in the winter, that could be a very real bonus to its Power Road installations.



Difficult times have forced African youngsters to put their studies aside in favor of making a living driving motorcycle taxis.  Many people rely on motorcycle taxis to go about their daily lives, and this unconventional means of public transportation fuels the livelihood of many individuals in developing countries like Asia and Africa, with lots of people making a living solely from ferrying people around aboard their motorcycles.


Now, the unfortunate global disaster caused a massive shutdown of nearly all schools, giving kids a lot of idle time as laborers were left jobless and without a stable income to support their families.  So, students have begun dropping out of school and instead are getting into the motorcycle taxi business.  As it turns out, kids would rather spend their time outside working, and ferrying food deliveries or people from point A to point B, rather than stay at home taking online classes.  Idleness paired with affordable Chinese motorcycles has lured kids as young as fifteen to buy their own bikes as an investment to earn a living.


Naturally, the key to a developing region is education, and an uneducated future population poses a severe challenge to an already struggling economy, but at this point in time it appears there’s simply nothing else the African youth can do to sustain themselves and their families until schools reopen and more employment opportunities pop up in the region.


QUOTABLE QUOTE: “The worst road trips make the best road tales.”

~ Me


ABOUT AIM / NCOM: The National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) is a nationwide motorcyclists rights organization serving over 2,000 NCOM Member Groups throughout the United States, with all services fully-funded through Aid to Injured Motorcyclist (AIM) Attorneys available in each state who donate a portion of their legal fees from motorcycle accidents back into the NCOM Network of Biker Services ( / 800-ON-A-BIKE).

The Summer of 2020 or How I Survived…

I hope everyone is safe and healthy and getting out in the wind.  Thanks to all who braved to COVID to make it to the June BOD Meeting to wrap up plans for the State Party and discus plans for next year’s Legislative Session.

Event updates include the MRF Meeting of the Minds and NCOM National convention (details to the right), both in Indianapolis in Sept.

MRF 36th Annual Meeting of the Minds,  September 24-27,  Waterfront Hotel Conference Center,  2930 Waterfront Okay A Dr.,  Indianapolis, Indiana

But the BIG Event is our own Annual ABATE of VA State Party on Sept 11th-13th in Shipman, VA – Tickets available at the gate or by pre-sale:

Log on PayPal and make payment to put you name and phone number in the text block when you make your payment.



Sorry Guys and Gals, Because of the coronavirus the governor of Virginia ,limited gatherings of 10 or more, and thus a lot of restaurants have decided to close except to carry out. We are asked to not gather ,hopefully this will end by September ,because our State Rally in mid September. I will post any changes and monitor the state’s mandates. thank everyone for their attention ,be safe , and hopefully there will be a swift end………………Stan Bryant State Director ABATE of Virginia.

This year we are undergoing a new reality check as related to everyone’s health, their work, schools, churches, shopping, etc…and it has certainly changed most of our plans for the year.

The 35th Annual National Coalition Of Motorcyclists Convention that was scheduled to be held in Indianapolis, Indiana from May 7th to the 10th has been cancelled.
Preliminary plans to postpone it until later in the year had been discussed, but then those plans were also changed and the convention will be held next year, still in Indianapolis.

The 11th Annual Michael “Boz” Kerr Bikers Inside the Beltway that was scheduled for May 18 and 19 has been cancelled.
All riders are encouraged to use the MRF website to contact their Congressional Representative and Senators Kaine and Warner to request their help with motorcycle related issues.

John Bilotta

2019 End of Summer Events

Looking for something to do… add these events to your calendar!  Click on image for full size flyer.

April BOD Minutes

APRIL 7, 2019

The meeting was called to order by Executive Director Stan Bryant with the following chapters represented: Catawba Valley: Dina Matz and Mike Smith;
Chapter 99: Pete Bulgart and Don “Thumper” Bogan; Flatlander: John Bilotta and Lisa Bilotta; Iron Horse Cavalry: Stan Bryant and Bob DeNova; Mason Dixon: Joe Wagner (Fin. Dir.), Maryann Sowle and GW Peterson; Mountain Thunder: Eddie Ober, David Lester, Julie Swartz, Melissa Posey, Bobby Posey, Steve Moody, Leon Perdue, Tarie Metz, Rudy Dowdy, Georgeanne Anderson, Neil Hardesty, Tammy Ebe, Travis Moorman, Constance Stone, Glenn Smith, Kirby, Jimmy Bailey, Pam Markham and Jamie Moorman; Nelson County: Buddy Altizer and Lee Bitzer; Tazewell County: Sam Jackson and Freddie E. Gillespie Jr.; At Large: Tom McGrath

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a quorum was established.
Stan recommended that we skip the reading of the previous meeting minutes. A motion was made to dispense with reading of minutes, motion was seconded and approved.
Stan said he brought more “Look for Motorcycles” signs, specifically wanted to get some to Culpeper Chapter. Maryann Said she could help with that.
Stan said the Tazewell County Chapter has split. The new chapter is to be the Tazewell County Nomads and a Chapter Director and Treasurer are already in place. Joe made a motion for a vote to commission the new chapter; motion was seconded with a unanimous vote of approval.
Stan said we need to spur membership and asked for suggestions. Eddie said they go out, wear their vests, have a good time and others want to join in. He also said they try to support other organizations’ events.
A suggestion was made to try billboard advertising, but there may be a 30 to 90 day rental involved. Suggestions were made for city signs and Back of the Dragon area. Eddie noted that social media (facebook) helps.
GW said that local parties helped in the past.

Stan said we needed to discuss details about the State Rally; Eddie said he thought each chapter should help pitch in, also knows someone who may be able to cater. A suggestion was made about Kanawha Valley Arena. Estimated costs/fees for the weekend, available dates, camping and hotel information was to be obtained so a decision could be made.

Stan noted that Dave was working on the newsletter.
Joe reported on last six months of expenditures. He noted that $5,000 was paid to Bailey for lobbying services.
GW said one person from a donor organization showed up to speak against the helmet bill in the committee hearing, even though GW said there are over 200,000 riders with “M” endorsements who aren’t organ donors.
GW thought some members of the committee were in favor and he also noted that the bill was determined to be constitutional despite earlier misconception.
John said that the government won their second trial at the end of 2018, allowing them to seize the Mongols’ trademarked patch. But early this year a judge ruled that the government could not seize the patch since it would violate the club members’ First Amendment rights.
He said that after the last election in November, the new District Attorney has dropped all remaining charges against bikers involved in the “Waco Tragedy”.
John invited everyone to the 34th Annual NCOM Convention to be held in Orlando, FL from May 10th-12th.
He also noted that the 11th Annual MRF “Bikers Inside the Beltway” will be held in Washington D.C. on May 20th and 21st and encouraged everyone to participate.
Tarie has contacted potential advertisers and has sent out a report of those from which she received responses. She also said she has two new confirmed paying advertisers.
Stan said that Lisa has products on hand.

MaryAnn distributed the annual membership pins to the Chapter Directors. A question was raised about some members not receiving renewal cards and Maryann explained that there is a time lapse between mailings.

Eddie had a question about safety classes and discrepancies in fees, saying one chapter member was charged over $400. Maryann explained a little about the classes, the community colleges that offer them and the fees they charge.
Stan said the chapter in Roanoke would like to host the next BOD meeting and asked for approval. A motion was made, seconded and approved to hold next meeting in July in Roanoke.

Stan adjourned the meeting.

2019 Event Flyers

It sure feels like summer is here!  Send me your “ABATE of VA” flyers… I will try to add or update this post as I receive them.  We are looking forward to a great year.






Because of our by-law requirements for nominations and elections of officers, Executive Director Stan Bryant has called the BOD meeting for 11:00 a.m., September 30, 2018 at Big Lick Tropical Grill in Lynchburg, Virginia. Hope to see you there.


State Rally

Tazwell Chapter is incorporating the ABATE State Rally and their annual Motorcycle Awareness Rally for three days of fun in beautiful Tazwell at the Moose Lodge Campground.

Admission includes a meal Friday evening and three meals on Saturday. Camping rates are-
Couple-Weekend Pass $40.00
Single- Weekend Pass $25.00
Day Passes are $15.00 per person

The Comfort Inn of Bluefield is a 15 minute ride from the campground and has 30 reserved at $90.00 per night. Call 276-326-3688 and ask for the group rate.

Friday Night – DJ Bowtie

Saturday– Motorcycle Rodeo
Broken Treaty Band
Tommy Cox Rhythm and Blues Band

Prof is hoping to ride the Back of the Dragon on Friday. Any other takers?

ABATE of Virginia now has pre-sale State Rally tickets on sale. Buy your pre-sale ticket now from any ABATE Chapter in the state and you can receive a discount on the Rally T-Shirts for only $10. There will be a cut off date of June 21st on the pre-sale tickets, after that the Rally T-Shirts will cost $15 at the event August 3rd thru the 5th.

You can get your shirts in tank tops or short sleeves.

2025 MRF Bikers Inside the Beltway


2025 MRF Meeting of the Minds




NCOM – Motorcycling activists from across America come together at the 2024 NCOM Convention


The Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) was founded in October 1994 as the Northern Virginia Citizens Defense League (NVCDL). The group experienced enormous growth in membership statewide and was incorporated as VCDL in May of 1998.

VCDL is a non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots organization dedicated to advancing the fundamental human right of all Virginians to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article I Section 13 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia.