The Summer of 2020 or How I Survived…

I hope everyone is safe and healthy and getting out in the wind.  Thanks to all who braved to COVID to make it to the June BOD Meeting to wrap up plans for the State Party and discus plans for next year’s Legislative Session. Event updates include the MRF...


BOD NEWS Sorry Guys and Gals, Because of the coronavirus the governor of Virginia ,limited gatherings of 10 or more, and thus a lot of restaurants have decided to close except to carry out. We are asked to not gather ,hopefully this will end by September ,because our...

April BOD Minutes

BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES – John Bilotta APRIL 7, 2019 BIG LICK TROPICAL GRILL, LYNCHBURG, VA The meeting was called to order by Executive Director Stan Bryant with the following chapters represented: Catawba Valley: Dina Matz and Mike Smith; Chapter 99: Pete...

2019 Event Flyers

It sure feels like summer is here!  Send me your “ABATE of VA” flyers… I will try to add or update this post as I receive them.  We are looking forward to a great year.        


Because of our by-law requirements for nominations and elections of officers, Executive Director Stan Bryant has called the BOD meeting for 11:00 a.m., September 30, 2018 at Big Lick Tropical Grill in Lynchburg, Virginia. Hope to see you there. Prof